Campaign appears to run but in the report it says No Contacts Found Seems there are none!

Your software
My Mautic version is: 3.3.2
My PHP version is: 7.3.27
My Database type and version is: MySQL, mysqlnd 5.0.12-dev - 20150407

Your problem
My problem is:

  1. I created a segment and added contacts to the segments.
  2. I created a campaign with “Send Email” and included the segment that I created.
  3. When I publish and Apply, it shows the message that campaign is started.
    But in the report, I see there was no contact in the segment. It shows the message:

No Contacts Found
Seems there are none! Try changing a filter if applicable

These errors are showing in the log: The log does not show any error.

Steps I have tried to fix the problem:

1 Like

I am facing the same issue.

Try to adjust the timeline for the report: