Campaign editor : bug when searching an email


In Mautic v4.0.1, PHP Version 7.4.19, Database 10.5.15-MariaDB-log : I have this since the last few previous versions of Mautic, and it’s kinda triggering (I use Chrome) :

  • List item the email search engine is very low and can’t support the search when 2 characters are typed “too fast”, so better wait 1 second before writing the next letter.

  • List item Once it does do the search through the email : I always have this white bar displaying (screenshot) and it becomes impossible to select an email, so I have to cancel the campaign, exit and come back in order for the search to work.

I know it’s a detail, but it is making me lose some time at almost every campaign, furthermore it’s been there since the beginning. I hope that my explanation were detailed enough.

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Add this to regular roll back of campaign not showing properly in the list is the best way to miss any element between test campaign and campaign…


I have this search bug for 1 year and half, am I the only one in this case ?

You are not alone here.
This is a bit of a frustrating bug or maybe “feature” ( :slight_smile: ).
In order to avoid this I use the arrow button instead of the search.

May I ask what web server and OS you are running on

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Ok, the arrow button can work but when the email list can be long :confused:
I’m not so technical so I just know that it’s server Apache/2.4.38.

I hope this bug would be correct, although I do hesitate to do updates regarding the potential bug it can create on campaign that are already running.

Hi, does anyone know if this bug is fixes in the latest version of Mautic ?

Hello, any news about this very simple thing ?


Is this bug fixed since in the latest version ?

Hi, as far as I know, this bug has not been fixed, here is the github:

Hi, that’s too bad :smiling_face_with_tear:

Doesn’t seem like there is any news about this.
I know have this bug for 2 years :smiling_face_with_tear:

I am pretty sure I saw a PR get merged that fixed the long white bar part, but I can’t point which one it was. Does it still happen for you on the 4.4 / 5.x branch?

You can check the current state of the 5.0 branch by using Gitpod: Dashboard — Gitpod

You can check the 4.4.9 branch here: Dashboard — Gitpod

In 4.4.8 the issue is still there. I did not knew what was happening and now I understand that I am not alone. As I looked over the release info for 4.4.9, the bug is present also there.
I am not aware of an improvement in 5.

I am on a VPS with 2 core and 2Gb with 158 emails (and > 3000 contacts, but not relevant).


Do you know if the issue is fixed in the latest version ? :slight_smile:

You can always check by using Gitpod Dashboard

I found that the white bar thing is fixed: Watch - Screencastify

The typing to fast thing is still an issue, I guess it’s to do with the lookup

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I think the display bug was fixed in 5.0 - Fix chosen search input overflow in campaign send email action by patrykgruszka · Pull Request #10307 · mautic/mautic · GitHub

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The fix for the search is ready to test: DPMMA-2679 Fix: Letters disappear when searching for emails to send in Campaign Builder by patrykgruszka · Pull Request #14032 · mautic/mautic · GitHub