Campaign emails don't get scheduled

My Mautic version is: v4.4.9
My PHP version is: PHP 7.4.33 (cli) (built: Nov 15 2022 06:03:30) ( NTS )
My Database type and version is: Server version: 5.7.42-46 Percona Server (GPL), Release 46, Revision e1995a8bb71

My problem is:

I created an onboarding campaign that is to be sent to subscribers in a particular segment (new commers).

Upon subscription, contacts are added to this segment and an email is supposed to be sent to them right away:

I did a couple of tests and the new users get in the database and belong to the right segment but still, the emails aren’t sent and, as far as I can see in the campaign dashboard, the don’t get scheduled either:

If I check the contacts for the campaign I see them correctly:

I don’t see any log, though the problem doesn’t seem to be technical but rather something I’m not quite understanding how to do (I’m new to Mautic).

Steps I have tried to fix the problem:

I checked the availability of cronjobs. The cron service was not working, it is now.

I run every command found in the file /etc/cron.d/mautic manually and they all work fine.

What am I missing?


when you open a contact do you see anything in their history?

Are the emails published.

It looks like the campaign is being updated, but not triggered.

are you running php /var/www/mautic/bin/console mautic:campaigns:update

I just noticed there is actually some notification in the dashboard:

Failed to execute campaign event for

I’m checking the logs in the Mautic dashboard as well but don’t see anything particularly relevant.

In the contacts details there seems to be something, though the message is not very explicit:

“This event encountered an error during the last attempt to process”

I’ll try what you suggest. Thanks!

The output of the command was:

Rebuilding contacts for campaign 2
0 total contact(s) to be added in batches of 300
0 total contact(s) to be removed in batches of 300

I think the problem might be related to my SMTP provider. Apparently as I just signed up they won’t let me send emails to people outside of my own domain… that would explain the results of some previous tests… I never noticed emails arrived when sent to my own address but not to other domains…

Hopefully it’ll all be sorted out by tomorrow.


Yeap, confirmed, I finally got a more detailed error:

My provider ( has confirmed my account so now things should work fine… we’ll see :slight_smile: :sweat_smile:

Yes! My campaign is running! Thank you all :grinning:

I had an error here, it should have read mautic:campaigns:trigger

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