Campaign event not firing immediate

Campaign event to send e-mail is set to run “immediate” but it always lists as being scheduled:

Product Info E-mail event will be triggered at Prod-Info August 31, 2016 5:49 am EDT

Emails are configured to send direct (not queued). Any ideas?

Campaign event to send e-mail is set to run “immediate” but it always lists as being scheduled:

Product Info E-mail event will be triggered at Prod-Info August 31, 2016 5:49 am EDT

Emails are configured to send direct (not queued). Any ideas?

check the cron jobs @balkee

I’m kicking it off manually from command line. Also it’s transactional not marketing type. This campaign was copied from previous version 1.4 into v2.1 , I suspect a conversion issue, if anyone experienced similar?

properties in table campaign_events for the campaign :

'a:1:{s:5:"email";i:22;}' <-- in campaign builder this displayed as transactional, when type is omitted

Since it shows as transactional in the builder, I assumed no update is needed… I suspect it acted as “marketing”, not sure what the default behavior is. Once I updated to transactional it worked.
I’m sticking with that explanation!