Hello folks,
Before I reply to the threads above, please would you all take a few minutes to re-acquaint yourselves with our Code of Conduct, specifically the parts about expected and unacceptable behaviour.
Things seem to have got a little bit emotive in this thread, and I do understand the frustration of not getting answers in forum threads and also to @joeyk 's point of volunteers giving up their time to respond to support requests getting frustrated by folk asking things that have already been answered or needing help with basic tasks like how to use the command line.
Getting started with any software is hard, especially if you’re not especially familiar with setting it up and configuring it. We all started at the beginning of that journey at some point in our lives, and sometimes it’s easy to forget what it’s like when someone told you to run something at SSH and you didn’t even know what that meant, let alone how or where to type the commands.
All of that being said, this is not a reason to make personal attacks against individuals or to be unkind in your response. Sometimes we all need to take a step back from the keyboard and breathe
In response to the comment above, @aaronesteban as an Open Source project, we are dependant on the support of volunteers who give up their time to respond on the forums, write documentation, fix bugs and bring new features to Mautic.
If you feel that the ‘Mautic team should be doing more’, perhaps take a step back and ask yourself how you could contribute to that in ways other than calling out people for not getting back to a reply on a forum thread where you weren’t the original poster?
If you are frustrated that there are resources missing, perhaps you could help us with creating them, or at least flag it up with the Education Team that they are missing, either on the docs or the knowledgebase (which we just recently launched) or on our YouTube channel?
If you feel that forum posts are going unanswered, maybe you could help by pointing people to resources which could help them if you know of those resources?
Ultimately, we are all part of that team that you mentioned.
A very small number of us are paid to support the community by our employers either directly (in my case) or by being given time in our working day to volunteer, but the vast majority are contributing in their own time.
It absolutely is frustrating if someone doesn’t follow through with replies on a forum thread, and we absolutely could do better with supporting people to install and get started with Mautic.
We’re already working on the latter issue, the Education Team has a big list of articles and resources they are working through.
As @joeyk mentions above, there are also a lot of resources out there to help, and if you get stuck and need to get a professional to help, there are also plenty of freelancers on sites where you can get things set up or fixed for a pretty low cost, and we have #commercial as a place to find folk to help with commercial projects.
Ultimately, we are doing the best that we can with extremely limited resources.
We have made huge progress over the last year, but we still have a long way to go.
Even the team of developers who work on issuing releases is extremely small - yet we are still managing to make a monthly release and bring new fixes and features to the community thanks to the hours and hours that they are dedicating to help us move forward, most of which goes unseen (and would not be possible if they were spending all that time responding to questions in the forums).
If you want to see this situation change in the future, I would implore you to be a part of the solution.
See if you can’t spend an hour a week helping folk out in the forum.
If you prefer to turn your hand to writing guides and tutorials, then pick up one of the knowledgebase articles we want to have written and chip away at that over time (check out the contribution guide here, complete with video tutorial).
If you prefer to support in other ways - testing bug fixes and features, running local meetups, perhaps even helping us to run the upcoming MautiCon - there are many opportunities to do so. Every small task that folks pick up help the community move forward. Every hour that people contribute makes a difference to someone.
Just drop into Slack (get an invite at https://mautic.org/slack if you’re not already there) and join the community channel or the individual teams (all the team channels are prefixed with t-) and say hello.
Some folk are not able to contribute, and that is OK too. Whether we can or can’t contribute, let’s all respect the time and energy of those who do their best to support Mautic in whatever way they can to help others, rather than tearing them down for not living up to our preconceived expectations.