Campaign templates and import/export

Comparing Mautic with other well known Sales Funnel software, it seems Mautic is missing the ability to export and import campaigns. I found a discussion on Github about the same here. If Mautic had this feature then campaign templates could be pre-prepared for specific business types or funnel types. Starting with a campaign template might be helpful for some people to get started.


This would make my life 100% easier if there were an option for this and it would get more people using the platform. I use mautic but I set up all my clients on active campaign simply because of this function only.


exactly: templates are the best way that non technical people could also use Mautic. Therefore Mautic would be used by a far larger community and also it would be more attractive if you can choose amongst many templates showing best practices. As said by @nickw other Sales Funnel Software has this feature. If Mautic wants to be the best marketing automation system, this is a must!
Therevore I vote for this feature.


@nickw @bheath please vote for this feature now. Voting works again :slight_smile:

It would be interesting to create a template library for campaigns.

It would help to simplify the starter’s life … but also consulting works for customers.

And even a marketplace could be provided to help sharing some best practices.


It would be interesting to create a template library for campaigns.

It would help to simplify the starter’s life … but also consulting works for customers.

And even a marketplace could be provided to help sharing some best practices.


I like the idea
tried voting didn’t do anything

Oh yes … the vote is not working for me either.

yes, yes, yes!!!




@Mack @sujaypawar @FrancoisLamotte @Armant @martinstrom @igormedeiros
please vote all for this feature here: Campaign templates and import/export . Voting works again.

I have merged a couple of related threads into one so that we keep the discussions in one place :slight_smile:

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Great idea! Where do I have to go and vote? see this video (apologies for the crackles at the end!) - at the top of any post in the #ideas category will be a voting box. Just click to vote :slight_smile:


I would suspect that the same automated mechanism could be used to import pre-made emails. I just had a discussion with someone complaining that constant contact and mail chimp had holiday email designs that could be sent out to clients. She didn’t want to take the time to design one.

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Yes indeed - although you can export and import Mautic email and landing pages already via the theme manager - see - but you’d need the additional step of exporting the content you’d written in the email, if that’s what you mean.

Some built-in standard campaigns to choose from when starting a new campaign would encourage best practices and provide telemetry regarding what Mautic is commonly used for. Sounds great.
Additionally, a gallery of templates from the community would be helpful to get inspired of what is done in the while.
Involving the community to collect use cases, would help start this right to build a community list of popular campaigns with decision tree screenshot is must-have to reproduce them, even manually.
An instant, always synch integration of the gallery to Mautic is more a nice to have, and on the edge of overkill, but maybe what’s needed to have exposure and contribution