Campaigns Won't Send Emails


I set up Mautic today with Amazon SES. I have it configured correctly, however, I can only send out emails via the Email menu and not from campaigns. I’ve set up contacts, list, and emails and have a simple test workflow set up to send an email and to give 10 points if the recipient opens it. I’ve tried this several times but nothing sends even though it said it did. Am I missing something?

Also, are bounces and complaints managed by Mautic, or do I have to set that up in SES?




I set up Mautic today with Amazon SES. I have it configured correctly, however, I can only send out emails via the Email menu and not from campaigns. I’ve set up contacts, list, and emails and have a simple test workflow set up to send an email and to give 10 points if the recipient opens it. I’ve tried this several times but nothing sends even though it said it did. Am I missing something?

Also, are bounces and complaints managed by Mautic, or do I have to set that up in SES?



Hi @jmonblatt . Have you created a cron job?

I had a similar problem before and it was cron related. This was Alan reply at the time:

[quote]Scheduled events and events that are based on the lead not doing something are triggered using the command

php /path/to/Mautic/app/console mautic:campaigns:trigger --env=prod

Set this as a cron job to run at intervals.

Mautic doesn’t fire the scheduled or “no” events while using Mautic as it could be a heavy hit to performance if you’re trying to use the site while it’s trying to process large campaigns.[/quote]