Your problem
I need to create a cronjob to run 2 campaigns rebuild/trigger ever minute.
I did it using “–campaign-id=1”, it works, but, how May I add 2 campaings ID on the cron.
I´ve try “–campaign-id=1,2” but it don´t works.
They will be processed sequentially either way unless you use the force option. I would recommend against the -f because you will interrupt the previous process.
I see a few potential problems beyond that. Is a minute enough time for each cron to process?
Why not create 2 cron jobs per task if you must use this method of designating specific campaigns? mautic:campaigns:rebuild –campaign-id=1 mautic:campaigns:rebuild–campaign-id=2 mautic:campaigns:trigger –campaign-id=1 mautic:campaigns:trigger –campaign-id=2