Change "is translation of" direction - or disconnect translated mails?

Mautic 5.1:

By mistake I connected the translations of a mail in the “wrong” direction:
DE is a translation of EN, while I would rather have EN is a translation of DE.

Do you know a way I can disconnect them again? Looks like there is no way in the frontend to disconnect them anymore?

Do I need to do it in the database? Do you know where?


Yes, database only.
The id of the email selected as “translation of” is stored in emails.translation_parent_id.

  • If you remove that for DE, the emails are no longer connected
  • If you now instead set the translation_parent_id for EN (pointing to DE) , it is reversed

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Just found out, its possible also via UI. Set it back to the first entry “Choose a translated item…”

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