Check if the submitter email already exists in the submissions form

Your software
My Mautic version is: 4.4.10
My PHP version is: 8.0
My Database type and version is: MariaDB

Your problem
Is there some way to make the form to check if the submitter email already exists in the submissions? so I prevent the form to be used by the same person or at least the same email.

Hi, there are many reasons why you would want to do this, but what is your reason? Spam?

Certainly, we want to avoid them using the same email every time they submit the form.

I have developed a solution to avoid these type of duplications.

I explained these solution in details in last year’s mauticon - not sure if this video is still available. but you can see the step by step installation instructions on the repository description, or in here:

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Any idea why I would be getting 2 form submissions rather than one?