Limit submission of form one per email

Hello, does anyone know if there is a way to make Mautic forms to be compiled only once with the same email? To give an error on the second time that someone tries to compile the same form wth the same email? Thanks in advance for the help!

Hi Antonio and welcome to the forums!

I believe that if you have email address set as a unique identifier (look at custom fields, find email, and check it has a key symbol next to it) then you should see leads being merged if they have the same email address.

You didn’t mention which version of Mautic you are running, can you share?

We use version 2.15.2.
Yes, we setted the email as unique identifier but we want to don’t allow the update of the data in the second time one people compiles the form but return a warnig like “This form with this email was already compiled”.
We don’t want to update the data and possibly we would like to choose which form to activate this feature.

How about some Dynamic Web Content (DWC)?

You can tell if they have saved data in a field…

Can you explain how can I set it up for our goal?
With Dynamic Web Content you can choose the content based on the condition if we already have a contact. Does it work also if User1 subscribe with Mail1 , then User2 subscribes to the same form with different device, no fingerprint or cookies, and the same Mail1 used from the User1?
In our case the new data overwrites the old one of the User1. We want to make the second subscription fail with a warning of “email already subscribed to this form” and not to update datas.