Checkboxes fields don't register values in forms

I’m getting the data from the forms without problems except checkbox fields.

No values are recorded and in email notifications the field is also empty…

Do you have any idea what to check?

I’m getting the data from the forms without problems except checkbox fields.

No values are recorded and in email notifications the field is also empty…

Do you have any idea what to check?

I’ve also tried to save the values in a custom field. The result is that if I choose two options from the checkgroup in the form, the recorded value is " , " (blank , blank)

The same happens for the notification email.

It seems that is detected the selection of two values (they are separated by “,”) but the values aren’t recorded…

What version of Mautic do you use? I know that was a problem a while ago, but it was fixed.

I tried in v1.1.2 and also in v1.2 instances, and ever happened the same.

Any idea where to look for or what to check?


Tested it, can replicate the issue. I’ll look into the code.

Fixed in
The fix will be part of 1.2.1.