Hi there, first post here. So I’ll use the provided template for my question.
My idea is: to create a custom field allowing a value to be updated in an incremental way. For example, the contact revenue field would be $10 after the customer purchased something. The next day, he purchases another product for $20. I would like to see in the contact revenue field the amount “$30”, but currently, the latest value erases the previous (it just updates the field, so I see 20). So basically, if a customer buys something at $100, then something for free, he becomes a “free customer” for the system with a contact revenue of $0. An alternative way would be to list all the orders in a list like {0:10,1:20,2:29…}, allowing us to track sales records.
I think these groups of people would benefit from this idea: any marketers, and any companies in general using mautic to track customers revenue for their businesses.
Why I think they would benefit from this idea: tracking accurately the lead value is super important for any business.
Any code or resources to support this idea: not at the time, sorry. I guess the JS code could (should?) stay the same : mt(‘send’, ‘pageview’, {email: ‘EMAILHERE’, contactrevenue: 10}, and each time this instruction is fired, the contact revenue must increment (and not update itself). A cookie/session should then be used to prevent page refreshes to increment the value again and again…
Are you willing to work on this idea?: I wish I could. But I don’t have any idea about the server side code to do that.
What skills and resources do you need to explore this further? Not sure, I have seen this was suggested before me here : https://forum.mautic.org/t/custom-field-type-number-increment-to-sum-up-field-value-i-e-dollars-spent/ but no answers have been written (or I cannot see them?) and the topic is closed but I don’t see the reason why.
Thank you.