Database - Unsubscribe / Bounce Association with Email

Question - How are unsubscribes and bounces currently associated with an email?

Currently building out reports from the db, and I am seeing inconsistencies

Bounces, are these only associated if we use the internal Mautic bounce? unable to see the association where we have used Sendgrid

Unsubscribes, are these only if they use the standard unsubscribe token link?
The preferences doesn’t seem to record it as an email unsubscribe, just changes the contact to DNC

Lastly, we have been slowly migrating to an unsubscribe form on a landing page so we can offer a clearer method to unsubscribe as we were getting complains about the confusing preferences method, and the standard unsubscribe link was getting triggered by corporate anti spam (false negatives)

How can we associate a form submission with an email unsubscribe?

The bounce notification via HTTP callback is a much more accurate way to track bounces than fetching emails from a monitored inbox. If you haven’t set up bounce notifications from the SendGrid dashboard yet, then that’s something you should do (and test).

Refer to the Sendgrid Webhook section on this KB article

Unsubscribe and DNC are essentially the same thing in Mautic. You can create a Form in Mautic, set it as the Unsubscribe feedback form in the email assets you send, and use a Campaign Action to pull in submissions of that form as a Contact Source and execute the Set as Do Not Contact campaign action against the contacts who filled the unsubscribe form.

Thanks for this above Unsubscribe Feedback form solution. I love to implement it, could you be kind to expatiate on the implementation? I mean step by step and with a use-case sample.

Am sure other members would find it very helpful if the implementation is clearly explained.
