Easier way to stop funnels for 2 days and continue

Hi, i am trying to make my whole workflow automated and i was able to work most of it but there is one problem that i wasn’t able to solve yet on mautic.

I have a funnel that send emails every 2 days.

From time to time i want to stop the funnel and send mails (like when there are special deals) and nowadays i stop the campaign send the 2 mails and continue the campaign.

On the background when someone fill a form with a gift it add the user to the campaign and if the campaign stopped it doesn’t add them and i need to add them to a segment and then add them to the campaign by myself.

I was able to create a scheduled cron and stop the campaign and continue it (automatic workflow) but i wan’t able to find easy fix to people joining when the campaign stopped. And at the way thing working now it’s a bit of a pain in the ass.

Does anyone maybe found a better solution do it? Stop the funnel for 2 days while running mails outside of the campaign?

Or mayve allow user to join while the campaign is paused because it seems more logic that the system worked like that.