Email Advanced tab settings not working

Hi all,

I am trying to use one Mautic instance to manage email marketing for 3 websites (which I believe is supposed to be possible)

My Mautic is on Google Cloud via Bitnami and I am using SparkPost to deliver emails and all 3 domains are verified on SparkPost.

However, I have come across these issues and am curious if anyone else experienced the same:

  1. Channels > Emails > Advanced tab settings: From name: and From address: seems to be totally ignored by Mautic and it always uses the DEFAULT email settings under Configuration > Email. The Reply to address: is not ignored and this setting is ok but not the other 2.

  1. However, if sending email to a Contact via the Contact > Send Email, Mautic DOES recognise the From name: and From address:

  2. Emails sent to User - when a new contact subscribe, I send an email to the Contact (subscriber) and also to myself (User) - email arrives - I open it. But Email Stats does not register this. Always remains at zero for Sent and Read. However, Emails Sent and Read are correct for emails sent to the Contact.

    Anyways, Happy New Year to all :) and looking forward to more improvements in 2017!



Hi all,

I am trying to use one Mautic instance to manage email marketing for 3 websites (which I believe is supposed to be possible)

My Mautic is on Google Cloud via Bitnami and I am using SparkPost to deliver emails and all 3 domains are verified on SparkPost.

However, I have come across these issues and am curious if anyone else experienced the same:

  1. Channels > Emails > Advanced tab settings: From name: and From address: seems to be totally ignored by Mautic and it always uses the DEFAULT email settings under Configuration > Email. The Reply to address: is not ignored and this setting is ok but not the other 2.
  1. However, if sending email to a Contact via the Contact > Send Email, Mautic DOES recognise the From name: and From address:

  2. Emails sent to User - when a new contact subscribe, I send an email to the Contact (subscriber) and also to myself (User) - email arrives - I open it. But Email Stats does not register this. Always remains at zero for Sent and Read. However, Emails Sent and Read are correct for emails sent to the Contact.

Anyways, Happy New Year to all :slight_smile: and looking forward to more improvements in 2017!

