Email Editor Bug, or I Have Made a Mistake

While editing an email back and forth between design and code mode, I clicked something that caused this. And now I have no idea what to do.

Save and Close Builder buttons do nothing.

I can edit other emails using the browser back button, but refreshing or leaving and re-entering the Builder mode both do nothing to get me out of this mode. Previewing the email shows a blank screen (although I had saved with finished email).

Please help.

Hello @entrepositive,

I suggest :

  • Log out
  • Clear your browser’s cache
  • Clear Mautic’s cache php bin/console cache:clear

Once this is done, I invite you to redo the test.



Hi, the solution is to

Get into your db and modify the html code there.

In the emails table open the custom html field

add in the first line of your template, remove all ‘null’ appearances from the code.
