email url tracking NOT WORKING

hi team, I just want to work with very simple standard features, that you created many months ago,

and I can see “opens” activity.

I see that url correctly added to mail,

but whe user click on link, I see next in logs:

p_data/GeoLite2-City.mmdb" does not exist or is not readable. [] [] [2016-05-12 19:51:52] mautic.WARNING: IP LOOKUP: The file "/var/www/mautic/mautic14/app/cache/prod/../ip_data/GeoLite2-City.mmdb" does not exist or is not readable. [] [] [2016-05-12 19:51:52] mautic.WARNING: IP LOOKUP: The file "/var/www/mautic/mautic14/app/cache/prod/../ip_data/GeoLite2-City.mmdb" does not exist or is not readable. [] [] [2016-05-12 19:51:52] mautic.WARNING: IP LOOKUP: The file "/var/www/mautic/mautic14/app/cache/prod/../ip_data/GeoLite2-City.mmdb" does not exist or is not readable. [] []

Permission of mautic folder is 777 , I checked it twice. There are no such files as GeoLite2-City.mmdb,
this folder is empty.
Ofcourse I fetched IP Lookup like in docs before testing mails:

So it's really very bad, simple features still not working.(

hi team, I just want to work with very simple standard features, that you created many months ago,
and I can see “opens” activity.
I see that url correctly added to mail,
but whe user click on link, I see next in logs:

p_data/GeoLite2-City.mmdb" does not exist or is not readable. [] [] [2016-05-12 19:51:52] mautic.WARNING: IP LOOKUP: The file "/var/www/mautic/mautic14/app/cache/prod/../ip_data/GeoLite2-City.mmdb" does not exist or is not readable. [] [] [2016-05-12 19:51:52] mautic.WARNING: IP LOOKUP: The file "/var/www/mautic/mautic14/app/cache/prod/../ip_data/GeoLite2-City.mmdb" does not exist or is not readable. [] [] [2016-05-12 19:51:52] mautic.WARNING: IP LOOKUP: The file "/var/www/mautic/mautic14/app/cache/prod/../ip_data/GeoLite2-City.mmdb" does not exist or is not readable. [] []

Permission of mautic folder is 777 , I checked it twice. There are no such files as GeoLite2-City.mmdb,
this folder is empty.
Ofcourse I fetched IP Lookup like in docs before testing mails:

So it’s really very bad, simple features still not working.(

[quote=10306:@MxyzptlkFishStix]Clear your cache.[/quote]

Hi! unfortunately I have the same problem, see what I did (I don’t lie)
in log you can see errors after clicking on link im email letter:

root@mdt1 /var/www/mautic/mautic14 # chmod 777 . -R
root@mdt1 /var/www/mautic/mautic14 # rm -rf app/cache/
root@mdt1 /var/www/mautic/mautic14 # chmod 777 . -R
root@mdt1 /var/www/mautic/mautic14 # tail app/logs/mautic_prod-2016-05-13.php -f
[2016-05-13 06:48:14] mautic.WARNING: IP LOOKUP: The file “/var/www/mautic/mautic14/app/cache/prod/…/ip_data/GeoLite2-City.mmdb” does not exist or is not readable. [] []
[2016-05-13 06:48:14] mautic.WARNING: IP LOOKUP: The file “/var/www/mautic/mautic14/app/cache/prod/…/ip_data/GeoLite2-City.mmdb” does not exist or is not readable. [] []
[2016-05-13 06:48:14] mautic.WARNING: IP LOOKUP: The file “/var/www/mautic/mautic14/app/cache/prod/…/ip_data/GeoLite2-City.mmdb” does not exist or is not readable. [] []
[2016-05-13 06:48:39] mautic.WARNING: IP LOOKUP: The file “/var/www/mautic/mautic14/app/cache/prod/…/ip_data/GeoLite2-City.mmdb” does not exist or is not readable. [] []
[2016-05-13 06:49:36] mautic.WARNING: IP LOOKUP: The file “/var/www/mautic/mautic14/app/cache/prod/…/ip_data/GeoLite2-City.mmdb” does not exist or is not readable. [] []
[2016-05-13 06:50:15] mautic.WARNING: IP LOOKUP: The file “/var/www/mautic/mautic14/app/cache/prod/…/ip_data/GeoLite2-City.mmdb” does not exist or is not readable. [] []
[2016-05-13 06:50:15] mautic.WARNING: IP LOOKUP: The file “/var/www/mautic/mautic14/app/cache/prod/…/ip_data/GeoLite2-City.mmdb” does not exist or is not readable. [] []
[2016-05-13 06:50:15] mautic.WARNING: IP LOOKUP: The file “/var/www/mautic/mautic14/app/cache/prod/…/ip_data/GeoLite2-City.mmdb” does not exist or is not readable. [] []
[2016-05-13 06:50:38] mautic.WARNING: IP LOOKUP: The file “/var/www/mautic/mautic14/app/cache/prod/…/ip_data/GeoLite2-City.mmdb” does not exist or is not readable. [] []

I really need help, I just want to make mass mailling, may be I can pay someone, who can fix it? Please help

Check the step 3 here:

[quote=10360:@MxyzptlkFishStix]Why in the world are you setting world writeable permissions on a web server directory?


To clear the cache via the command line, you should be using

rm -rf app/cache/*

instead of

rm -rf app/cache/

The latter deletes the app/cache folder completely and I doubt your webserver user has permission to recreate it. Unless you have world writeable perms for your entire Mautic webroot. Everything except the files and directories below are owned by the root user. Directories have 755 perms and files have 644 perms.

Directories/files owned by webserver user:

files directory outside of mautic webroot

Once you sort those things out, run the command below from the command line.

php app/console mautic:iplookup:download

Hi! Thanks for quick answer!

I did like you told and currently I still can’t see tracked “open” events, and now I can’t see any logs why these happens
May be after filepermission changes some cron jobs not running?
can you please add in Mautic docs clear info about how to setup permissions. Why do you recommend to use root permission on all folders? In this case which user should run cron jobs?

If you will provide clear instcructions how to setup permission in docs (like for example in Symfony2 manual) you will reduct 50% of requests on this forum. Thanks

[quote=10387:@valentyn-md]Hi! Thanks for quick answer!

I did like you told and currently I still can’t see tracked “open” events, and now I can’t see any logs why these happens
May be after filepermission changes some cron jobs not running?
can you please add in Mautic docs clear info about how to setup permissions. Why do you recommend to use root permission on all folders? In this case which user should run cron jobs?

If you will provide clear instcructions how to setup permission in docs (like for example in Symfony2 manual) you will reduce 50% of requests on this forum. Thanks[/quote]

Hi Dear MxyzptlkFishStix ,
I have my own Dedicated Server,
I have Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS n l
I have standard LAMP , apache user and group - www-data

Also , may be it’s because I am using PostMark service for email transport?
PostMark tracking events good, but custom routers for treacking of mautic not tracking events.

Please help me with this last taks, Please check my answers.

[quote]Hi Dear MxyzptlkFishStix ,
I have my own Dedicated Server,
I have Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS n l
I have standard LAMP , apache user and group - www-data[/quote]

I really need help with this, it’s final step to make my mass mail. Can we spaek in skype? I will pay you your hourly rate.