Error 500 when installe Mautic

Your software
My Mautic version is: 4.1
My PHP version is: 7.4
My Database type and version is:

Your problem
My problem is:

I get error 500 when i would installed it

These errors are showing in the log: no

To me it seems like a file ownership issue / or webserver settings.

I finally solved it i have changed a server.

I have installing mautic but i haven’t been successful at it. The picture below is the feedback i get

Start by checking the server logs as the message indicates. The server logs refer to the web server logs. This could be the Apache error log. Where exactly you can find this depends on the hosting you use.

I think is a permission error. Make sure all files are owned by the web user

hi Joey, in the attached pic on the first two lines, it shows me permission is denied and shows me the path, how do i grant permission to it to solve the problem at hand?

please help a mautic newbie.

Sure, here is my full guide about permissions:

Hello Joey,
Thank you so much for your help, the permission and file ownership has been resolved.

Am trying to crack the hard nut of installing MariaDB so that i can proceed with my mautic installation.

Is it Ubuntu?

Yes it is Ubuntu Linux 22.04.3

Hello Joey,
Happy weekend from this side, i was able to install mautic successfully. I had uninstall and the reinstalled MariaDB, created a user and granted it full access and that was how i had access to database to proceed with my mautic installation.

Thank you Joey. You are amazing.