Your software
My Mautic version is: 5
My PHP version is: 8.2
My Database type and version is: 10.11.5-MariaDB-1:10.11.5+maria~ubu2204
Your problem
My problem is: Creating a decision step for “Submits Form”, I select the form and when I click update, I get an error that says “This form should not contain extra fields.” This is the first step in my process. I get this same error if I try to add a decision step of “Visits Page”
These errors are showing in the log: I do not see any errors in the log
Steps I have tried to fix the problem: I’m at a loss. I have just started from scratch with the form and campaign and I get the same problem.
What can I do in the meantime? I have the version I downloaded from the download page - which is apparently the broken version. Is there a place I can download a previous version for use until then? And why would a version with a known bug that makes this for the most part useless be the production version from the download page? I have looked for previous versions and I cannot find them, can you or someone point me in the right direction to download previous versions. Thank you.