FullContact API Change?

Hi there, I’m trying to configure the FullContact plugin but when I go to generate a FullContact API key I am given both a cliend ID and client secret. The Mautic UI only has a field for an API key.

I see on the FullContact API UI a message about the v3 beta API “FullContact V3 API Beta lets developers build apps that integrate with FullContact contact management services such as reading, updating and searching user’s contact information.”

I don’t have any option to generate a key from an earlier API version. Has FullContact updated the API? Is the new API unsupported by Mautic?

Hi there, I’m trying to configure the FullContact plugin but when I go to generate a FullContact API key I am given both a cliend ID and client secret. The Mautic UI only has a field for an API key.

I see on the FullContact API UI a message about the v3 beta API “FullContact V3 API Beta lets developers build apps that integrate with FullContact contact management services such as reading, updating and searching user’s contact information.”

I don’t have any option to generate a key from an earlier API version. Has FullContact updated the API? Is the new API unsupported by Mautic?

Thanks @MxyzptlkFishStix

Does the plugin only pull data from Fullcontact when you manually select a contact and request it to do so?

My main use case was to have it sync so that contacts created in FullContact would automatically be generated in Mautic, and vice versa.