Getting started on changing some behaviors

A friend asked me to make some changes to how his Mautic setup works, at a pretty fundamental level and I’m having trouble determining where to look and start. He needs the system to score every hit on a given page/asset/whatever by a given lead, rather than only scoring their first hit to it, he’d like to assign default point values by resource type (i.e. all PDFs default to 2 points unless explicitly marked otherwise at the individual asset level) and to be able to set up wildcard URLs (i.e.*) that would then use these default values.

I’m assuming I should do this as a plugin and extend or override the existing functionality. It’ll need some new DB storage for default values, and presumably some webhook extensions to handle wildcards. It looks like I should mainly be looking at the points and webhook bundles but I’m finding it difficult to see how things fit together in detail, as the source itself is almost completely uncommented and the developer docs seem to be of limited use for those who don’t already understand how it all fits together. Is there a flowchart, or the like, that walks through how a given hit is processed? I apologize if these questions are answered elsewhere and will happily take any pointers to existing info that I’ve missed.

Any suggestions on how to get started with this would be greatly appreciated. This is my first time working with Mautic and I haven’t used Symfony since 1.x.

A friend asked me to make some changes to how his Mautic setup works, at a pretty fundamental level and I’m having trouble determining where to look and start. He needs the system to score every hit on a given page/asset/whatever by a given lead, rather than only scoring their first hit to it, he’d like to assign default point values by resource type (i.e. all PDFs default to 2 points unless explicitly marked otherwise at the individual asset level) and to be able to set up wildcard URLs (i.e.*) that would then use these default values.

I’m assuming I should do this as a plugin and extend or override the existing functionality. It’ll need some new DB storage for default values, and presumably some webhook extensions to handle wildcards. It looks like I should mainly be looking at the points and webhook bundles but I’m finding it difficult to see how things fit together in detail, as the source itself is almost completely uncommented and the developer docs seem to be of limited use for those who don’t already understand how it all fits together. Is there a flowchart, or the like, that walks through how a given hit is processed? I apologize if these questions are answered elsewhere and will happily take any pointers to existing info that I’ve missed.

Any suggestions on how to get started with this would be greatly appreciated. This is my first time working with Mautic and I haven’t used Symfony since 1.x.

I’ve so far gotten no responses to my queries there.

I’ve been going through the docs and the source code but I’m not really getting a sense of what the path is through the code from when, for instance, the JS code AJAXes in to say that Customer X has viewed Page Y, and the server then looks up the page it’s coming from, determines if that page is tracked and is scorable, if the Customer has viewed it already and then if it should be scored.

Any guidance here would be greatly appreciated.

I’ve tried several times during those hours, but will give it another go.

@freqout check the developer docs. specifically the Extending Mautic section. Should give you some headway.