How do you schedule broadcast emails in mautic? I can't find it

Hi @evan1

In order to send a Broadcast Email, you need two things:

  1. Set a Published Date
  2. Set up the right cron job

As mentioned first, you want to set a Published Date like in the screenshot below:

Screenshot 2020-01-31 at 19.06.16

The second thing is writing the right cron jobs to trigger at regular intervals.

In this case, you want to be sure you have mautic:emails:send and mautic:broadcasts:send to run every X minutes.

I don’t remember if emails:send is mandatory but this is how my own instance is set and it’s been working so far.

Once you have done these two things, the status of your Broadcast Emails should show as “Pending” with an orange clock next to them until the Published date is reached, which will then publish the email and wait for the next broadcasts:send cron job to run to send the pending emails.

Hope that helps,
