How to change installation directory (server path)?

Your software
My Mautic version is: 5.1
My PHP version is: 8.2
My Database type and version is: MySQL 8.0.37

Your problem
My problem is: I am getting this error

“The “app/bundles/CoreBundle/Resources/views/Offline” directory does not exist (”/home/panales/app/bundles/CoreBundle/Resources/views/Offline")."

My directory is not that one, it lacks the "“public_html/marketautomation/” part and I can’t find where in mautic 5 I can change the installation directory (server path)

My local.php looks like this, but can’t find in it a directory configuration.
Where or how can I teach Mautic about the right directory?

$parameters = array(
	'install_source' => 'Softaculous',
	'db_driver' => 'pdo_mysql',
	'db_host' => 'localhost',
	'db_host_ro' => null,
	'db_table_prefix' => 'xxxxxxx',
	'db_port' => '3306',
	'db_name' => 'xxxxxxx',
	'db_user' => 'xxxxxxxxx',
	'db_password' => 'xxxxxxx',
	'db_backup_tables' => 1,
	'db_backup_prefix' => 'bak_',
	'secret_key' => 'xxxxxxxxxxxx9',
	'site_url' => '',
	'locale' => 'en_US',
	'api_enabled' => 1,
	'api_enable_basic_auth' => true,
	'api_oauth2_access_token_lifetime' => 360,
	'api_oauth2_refresh_token_lifetime' => 360,
	'api_batch_max_limit' => 200,
	'api_rate_limiter_limit' => 0,
	'api_rate_limiter_cache' => array(
		'adapter' => 'cache.adapter.filesystem'
	'upload_dir' => '/home/panales/public_html/marketautomation/media/files',
	'max_size' => '20',
	'allowed_extensions' => array(
		'0' => 'csv',
		'1' => 'doc',
		'2' => 'docx',
		'3' => 'epub',
		'4' => 'gif',
		'5' => 'jpg',
		'6' => 'jpeg',
		'7' => 'mpg',
		'8' => 'mpeg',
		'9' => 'mp3',
		'10' => 'odt',
		'11' => 'odp',
		'12' => 'ods',
		'13' => 'pdf',
		'14' => 'png',
		'15' => 'ppt',
		'16' => 'pptx',
		'17' => 'tif',
		'18' => 'tiff',
		'19' => 'txt',
		'20' => 'xls',
		'21' => 'xlsx',
		'22' => 'wav'
	'streamed_extensions' => array(
		'0' => 'gif',
		'1' => 'jpg',
		'2' => 'jpeg',
		'3' => 'mpg',
		'4' => 'mpeg',
		'5' => 'mp3',
		'6' => 'pdf',
		'7' => 'png',
		'8' => 'wav'
	'campaign_time_wait_on_event_false' => 'PT1H',
	'campaign_use_summary' => 0,
	'campaign_by_range' => 0,
	'delete_campaign_event_log_in_background' => false,
	'webroot' => null,
	'404_page' => null,
	'cache_path' => '/home/panales/public_html/marketautomation/var/cache',
	'log_path' => '/home/panales/public_html/marketautomation/var/logs',
	'max_log_files' => 7,
	'log_file_name' => 'mautic_prod.php',
	'image_path' => 'media/images',
	'media_path' => 'media',
	'tmp_path' => '/home/panales/public_html/marketautomation/var/tmp',
	'dev_hosts' => array(

These errors are showing in the log:

Steps I have tried to fix the problem: Tried to read all installation instructions and browsed many of the files, increased memory of php to 1024M and asked ChatGPT if it know where symphony saves the path, but couldn’t find an answer

It was a memory issue, had to add PHP memory to 1024M and now it works.

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