How to setup Double opt-in version 2.1.1

How to setup a double opt-in process on version 2.1.1 for sign up contacts?

How to setup a double opt-in process on version 2.1.1 for sign up contacts?

Conceptually, you use a campaign to send an e-mail with a link and check if user visits a confirmation page, when user signs up. Once user clicks on the link, they’re moved from pending segment to become a valid contact.

  1. Create a landing page (2optin_Confirm), basically saying “Thanks, you’ve been added (confirmed etc.)”
  2. Create a form (2optin_Register) (or use the one you have), that will either message “Please check your e-mail” (or display a page) after user submits their info.
  3. Create an e-mail (2optin_Email) that has the link to the landing page you created in step 1, saying “click to complete”
  4. Create a segment called “Pending for Optin”
  5. Create a campaign (2optin_Campaign) that uses the form as source (2optin_register). It sends the e-mail 2optin_Email, then adds user to the Pending segment.
  6. Add a “visits-a-page” action to your optin campaign above, after the e-mail. Limit to the page 2optin_Confirm.
  7. On visit to the confirmation page, add user, and remove from the pending segment.

That should do it. Hope that works for you. You can add a “send again” campaign, or other features as well…

I’ve done everything here and it all works except one thing: When the user clicks the link and goes to the landing page, it never registers in the campaign. How is that supposed to be detected and registered?

Try testing from an incognito or private browser session, or from another device or pc.

@balkee Thanks for the idea.