How to use dynamic content in MJML emails

Your software
My Mautic version is: 4.1.1
My PHP version is: 7.4

Your problem
Hey there,
is it possible to use dynamic content in MJML emails, yet?
I tried {dwc=freebie}, {dynamiccontent=freebie} and a RAW/HTML container with

	  <div data-slot="dwc" data-param-slot-name="freebie">
		<h1>Dynamic web content for myslot

But all three versions didn’t work. The dwc slot freebie is created and tag based. Test user whom I send the mail to had the corresponding tag.
What am I missing? Using the Blank template without MJML I have the Dynamic Content Slot as a building block available (which works as expected).

Dynamic content is not available at the momment.
If you really really need dynamic content, I suggest to use Twig Templates Plugin from mtcextendee.

Thanks for the reply. The will be at some point, right?
I made the following workaround:
*Create the MJML email

  • click on preview
  • copy the source
  • insert the source in the code template
  • use the DWC slots.

Thing is: I struggle with using tags as filter for dynamic content in emails. Therefore, my workaround is useless (for me) as of now :laughing:

Yes, it is on the roadmap. We need to make it happen.
Regarding your solution. With the Twig Template plugin you can utilize tags to decide if a piece of content should be displayed in an email or not.
It is super powerful.

Hello! Any idea, when this is available?