June 16, 2022, 5:27pm
Your software
My Mautic version is: 4.3.1
My PHP version is: 7.4.3
My Database type and version is: mysql 8.0.28
Your problem
My problem is: Importing contacts and adding one (or more) tags during the import workflow does not match the expected behaviour.
Opening a contact after import results in an empty tag field.
This is a known bug, already reported, fixed and tested. Will be released in the next release
← escopecz:tag-import-fix
opened 11:03AM - 06 Jun 22 UTC
| Q | A
| --------------------------------… ------ | ---
| Bug fix? (use the a.b branch) | [y]
| New feature/enhancement? (use the a.x branch) | [n]
| Deprecations? | [n]
| BC breaks? (use the c.x branch) | [n]
| Automated tests included? | [y]
| Related user documentation PR URL | /
| Related developer documentation PR URL | /
| Issue(s) addressed | Fixes
#### Description:
This PR is fixing bug in importing contacts with some tags selected.
#### Steps to test this PR:
Open this PR on Gitpod or pull down for testing locally (see docs on testing PRs [here](
Step 1: create a list of contacts in csv
Step 2: import and set a "tag" for the import
Step 3: your tag is on none of the contacts.
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