Integration between woommerce and mautic

Glad to join the community.
I try to find a solution and can not find it.
I’m interested that when another customer buys a woommerce store, mautic will identify the product ID and then I can associate it with a dedicated mailing list for that product.
There is the Mauticommece extension, but it puts all the customers in the store to the same catcher.
for example:
Product 3 — Associate to the list “My number 3”

I will thank anyone who can help me,
Best regards

Hey Avihay - I’ve been testing one of the newer plugins from MakeWebBetter. The free version probably can’t do what you need, but pro version could – it syncs quite a bit of data that you can use to segment. You might want to take a look:

Wow thanks for the quick answer.
I’ve seen the plugin you mentioned, but I’m looking for another solution. There is this plugin:
It sends to the mautic the product ID in the form of a tag. Is it possible to insert a customer into a list by tags?

Put customer into a segment list by tags? Yes you can. Just create a segment and use the Filters Tab > Include > Tag > Tag-Name