Is there a limit for events per campaign?

Is there a limit for events per campaign?

I am working on a campaign, I created a part, but now when I insert a new event and close the builder, Mautic start to load and doesn’t close the builder so I cannot save the campaign.

Is there a limit for events per campaign?

I am working on a campaign, I created a part, but now when I insert a new event and close the builder, Mautic start to load and doesn’t close the builder so I cannot save the campaign.

Same here. It’s like the campaign is too large and it will not save anymore.


Got the same issue as well. But It seems intermittent. After page refresh, opening campaign builder and doing the edit again, I was able to close campaign builder and save the campaign. However I had to do this several times while working on the same campaign.

I confirm that I encountered this issue only while setting up a lengthy/large campaign.


Agreed. It stops saving changes but I can’t tell WHEN it stops saving until I try to exit. I then have to refresh and re-enter the campaign builder to find out exactly what was saved. After that its only safe to add 1 or 2 items at a time before closing and saving again. It becomes painful to work with. I’m even trying to find ways to shorten my campaigns to avoid this, which is not a good thing.

I’m going to try to logout and delete cache to see if that changes anything going forward.

I am having the same issue. It’s a large campaign with many decisions and actions. All of a sudden, the campaign appears to save, but when I go back to the campaign the red / green links are missing. I initially suspected a server config issue and looked for timeouts, limits, etc. Nothing. Nothing in the Mautic error logs either.

Has this been resolved or do we need to open an issue on Github?

There appears to a limit of 100 decisions / actions per campaign. I have reported this as a bug on Github. Please comment to lend weight having this fixed. 100 is far too few decisions / actions.

I have created a work around for this and appears to be working fine. This assumes that you are sending multiple emails in a sequence, perhaps after a lead capture event. Here’s a link to the workaround.

Hi Tony, the link is off.

How did you workaround it?



htbock commented on Mar 2, 2019


Hello everybody,
I think this is just a php setting that needs to be changed, namely, you just have to increase the the number of max_input_vars in php.ini. I changed the line in my php.ini from

  • max_input_vars=1000 to
  • max_input_vars=3000

and my problem immediately disappeared. I have a self hosted Mautic instance on a VPS.

Hope this helps.

fullofcaffeine commented on Mar 12, 2019


This is a BIG blocker for campaigns that function as plain sequential autoresponders (i.e send one email after another, a relative wait time of 1 day). I have a blog with over 300 notification emails and while migrating these email notifications over to Mautic, I faced this issue.

Is there a better way to handle autoresponder? Is there a fix for this already?

EDIT: I’ve tried @htbock’s solution and I can confirm it works - I can save the > 100 nodes campaign now. You do have to remember to restart apache2 (or whatever webserver you’re using) and or add it to the other php.ini for the other PHP installations that are installed in your system, by that I mean for cli and possibly php-fpm alongside apache2. cli might be imporant as Mautic cronjobs run off that, and even though you’re able save, it might fail when parsing and execution the campaigns, can’t confirm, but that might be the case.

I hope that besides saving, this also allows the campaign to execute successfully until the end…

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I’m not using Mautic anymore, so I can’t say if this is still relevant or not, but the post is still live here:

Good luck with it!

Thank you very much for your attention after such a long time.

I have already found a solution, which I’ve left above for anyone who might need it.