Is there a way to set up a form to open with a button?

When creating Mautic forms, is there a way to set it up so instead of appearing as a form on the page, it first appears as a button that the visitor would then click to get the full form?

On my website as it stands, the form is overshadowing the web text. I’d want my visitors to read what I have to say first, and then decide if they want to fill out the form.


Hi @nathancyoung,

You can definitely do that with CSS & JavaScript but Mautic won’t generate that extra code for you. You’d need to have your web designer do that for you. (One way would involve wrapping the form code in some html and using JavaScript to change the CSS of that wrapper when the button is clicked.)



It can be done, but consider that there might be some benefit of having that form on its own page. Consider that you can pixel people that have clicked through to the page, but failed to fill out the form.

For example, somebody visits (the page with the form), but they don’t fill out the form. I now know that I need to retarget that person since they clicked through to get the book, but they didn’t fill out the form.

Just something to think about…

Thanks for the responses. This is really helpful.

@oguruma I like the idea of clicking through to fill out the form. Would you essentially have this be a landing page? Do you use the tools in Mautic for this, or do you use an external landing page builder tool? Or just have it go to a seperate page on the website?


It depends on what the purpose of the form is. If you want potential customers to provide their info, then yes, that would fit the definition of a landing page.

I build my sites in Wordpress with the Elementor page builder, but of course everything can be done with HTML and CSS.

Essentially I just put the Mautic form javascript into an Elementor widget.

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