Is this server set up ok? (CPU & RAM)

Hi - just a super-quick question on the “best” server size and CPU settings?

I am hosting on DigitalOcean and I am aware of the recommended server setup as per here: Requirements

But - I am not seeing anything on disk space or recommended CPU?

Would this droplet be ok:

4 GB / 2 AMD CPUs
4 TB transfer

Does that sound ok to you? Is 4 GIG enough RAM or should we go for 8 GIG?


I believe it depends very much on how many contacts you have, how many emails you send, how often you run your cron jobs etc. I believe if you have a userbase below 5000, this machine might be already an overkill. The best thing is probably to try it out and watch the usage stats. If resources are getting tight, you can always upgrade.