Issue with email read_count in Mautic 5?

Your software
My Mautic version is: 5
My PHP version is: PHP Version 8.0.30
My Database type and version is: 8.0.30 - MySQL Community Server - GPL

Your problem
My problem is:

In email list (Chanles->Emails) don’t see read count and percent stats, allways is 0. I was debbugin in code and I think this data is taking from email entity read_count column. Is this correct?
And if this is correct when was supoposed that should be updated. Because, never update this. I open an email and the image tag was correct and in contact details the open action is correct.

Captura de pantalla 2024-05-31 162209

These errors are showing in the log:
Nothing in the log.

Steps I have tried to fix the problem:
Create one segment email.
Add some segment with contacts.
Send email to contacts.
Open email.

Some suggestions:

  1. Check that the tracking pixel is included in your emails
  2. Check that your email program or browser loads the tracking pixels. Many prevent this nowadays. I use brave, for example. It automatically blocks the tracking pixel, which would lead to the same problem as you have.
  3. Make sure you’re not logged in in your mautic dashboard. Often times this prevents certain things from happening (for good reasons, but it can be confusing).
  4. Check that you don’t have any other privacy related running. PiHole might block the pixel. I could think of antivirus programmes as well if they want to increase your privacy.
  5. Make sure you’re sending a real email. I.e., not use send test email.

I’m pretty sure one of these points causes the issue.

Side note: Don’t focus on open rates. The metric is flawed. If this is news to you, read this:

Hi @peter_k , thanks for reply.

I checked that tracking pixel was included in emails, and any application like pihole or any email client are preventing nothing.

I think the problem is in source code. See this issue to have more detailed explain of the problem we see.