Mautic 5 [beta 1] - two cron error messages?

Hi everyone,

I just updated from Mautic 4.4.10 to Mautic 5 beta 1 using composer installation, and I must say MC is super fast!

However, I have a few issues regarding cron jobs. I’m not much into cron jobs myself, so if anyone can help me with these 2 things, I would appreciate it.

  1. When I run:

php /home/dbbuda/web/ messenger:consume email -vv

I receive this message and I don’t know what it means.

 [OK] Consuming messages from transport "email".

 // The worker will automatically exit once it has been running for 3600s or received a stop signal via the
 // messenger:stop-workers command.

 // Quit the worker with CONTROL-C.

In SyncTransport.php line 37:

  You cannot receive messages from the Messenger SyncTransport.

Exception trace:
  at /home/dbbuda/web/
 Symfony\Component\Messenger\Transport\Sync\SyncTransport->get() at /home/dbbuda/web/
 Symfony\Component\Messenger\Worker->run() at /home/dbbuda/web/
 Symfony\Component\Messenger\Command\ConsumeMessagesCommand->execute() at /home/dbbuda/web/
 Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command->run() at /home/dbbuda/web/
 Symfony\Component\Console\Application->doRunCommand() at /home/dbbuda/web/
 Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Console\Application->doRunCommand() at /home/dbbuda/web/
 Symfony\Component\Console\Application->doRun() at /home/dbbuda/web/
 Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Console\Application->doRun() at /home/dbbuda/web/
 Symfony\Component\Console\Application->run() at /home/dbbuda/web/

messenger:consume [-l|--limit LIMIT] [-f|--failure-limit FAILURE-LIMIT] [-m|--memory-limit MEMORY-LIMIT] [-t|--time-limit TIME-LIMIT] [--sleep SLEEP] [-b|--bus BUS] [--queues QUEUES] [--no-reset] [--] [<receivers>...]

I don’t know what this means?

  1. Secondly, when I run:

php /home/dbbuda/web/ mautic:email:fetch > /dev/null

I receive this message:

PHP Notice: PHP Request Shutdown: TLS/SSL failure for SSL negotiation failed (errflg=2) in Unknown on line 0

My email server is secured with valid certs in Mautic settings my email DSN SMTP settings are also correct. When testing Mautic dns smtp, each time I receive Mautic test email to my email with content “Hi! This is a test email from Mautic. Testing…testing…1…2…3!”.

However, I don’t know what to enter into setting “Monitored Inbox Settings → Default Mailbox (imap)”, because anything that I enter (correct imap settings) it’s not working. Just mentioning this because I’m not sure if this is related to this tls/ssl issue above.

Thank you!

Hi there,

Wow, you are very fast off the bat - we haven’t released yet! We haven’t actually looked at the upgrade path at all so it’s helpful to know that it did actually work upgrading on composer, but hopefully this is not a live system!

Are you using the default transport or are you using a specific transport plugin? Are you queueing emails or sending immediately?

Here is the documentation specific to this version: Cron jobs — Mautic Documentation 0.1 documentation

We do have some documentation which is yet to be merged, so it’s entirely possible that some of this confusion is because it isn’t yet written, or it may be a bug, I’m not sure at this point but we can certainly test it a bit more.

Pull requests · mautic/user-documentation · GitHub here’s the pending docs PRs in case that helps.

I’m not sure about the IMAP settings, it could be related but I will ask the Mautic 5 folks to have a look and we can raise a bug if it is a bug.

Thanks for being willing to test so early! If you are not already please join us on slack and head over to the Product Team (#t-product) and the Mautic 5 (mautic-5) channel!

Thank you. I was very eager to test v5. Installation went very smooth. And don’t worry, it’s not on production site.

I might solve this on my own, and when I do I’ll post a solution in this thread.

I have one more issue to report, err 500 on Contacts page, but first I’ll see if I can solve it by myself. I joined Slack mautic-5 channel.

Thank you for prompt response

You first have to configure messenger to use async transport (rabbitmq, redis, etc.).

How exactly to do that in Mautic 5, I am researching myself as well.

That’s one of the work in progress documentation PRs :slight_smile: it might give you a bit of a headstart!

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Thanks will check it out

Happy to see that v5 is live. However, I have to get back to this thread again. Did anyone have a nice tutorial on how to configure messenger to use async transport?

I already used “composer require symfony/messenger:^5.4” and yes, I’m aware of this link, but a bit simpler explanation would be appreciated.

Thanks everyone

I think maybe you are looking for this:

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Note that I need to add a table here with links to the plugins which we support currently (SES, Sparkpost, Omnivery) but in the meantime you can find them on the blog post: Mautic 5: Beyond Expectations, Beyond Limits - Mautic Community

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