Your software
My Mautic version is: 5
My PHP version is: 8.3.14
My Database type and version is: mariadb 10.11.8-MariaDB-deb12

Your problem

My problem is:

Is dynamic content in mautic 5

It seems that the tokens are not displaying the content correctly, consistently reverting back to an empty default state. the editor is so bad who ever disided on this editor never used editors before i think… joke beside to improve its functionality for dynamic content, but I’m also wondering if we can incorporate images with links that open in a new window or tab like we did in m4

Unfortunately, there are no error messages in the log to help diagnose the issue.

From my personal experience with Mautic 5, I find it to be quite unusable and unusabale for large scale emailing as i send around 60 to 100 million emails daily.

It appears that whoever designed this version lacks a solid understanding of marketing and email needs.

The addition of the checkpoint editor feels like we got cheated and disappointing, especially when considering the integration of other tools within Mautic’s core.
In my view, Mautic no longer feels like true open-source software and has become a frustrating experience and adplatform for checkpoint editor.

Due to these challenges, I plan to revert back to version 4 and will not be using Mautic 5 or any subsequent versions that has checpoint editors.

It’s truly disappointing because I have always loved Mautic, curently im running 3000 plus mautic 4 insances runing im large scale mautic user. my avrage daily email sending is about 6 billion emails aday.

but this latest release feels like a disaster. fells like whole mautic comunitiy is got cheated this is my honest opining.

We really need to return to the drawing board on this one. curent m5 is not open source is has become private add platform for check point.
i digress. im going back to 4.

If you use 3000 Mautic instances maybe chip in $1/instance and you’ll have a perfect dynamic content solution in 30 days. What do you think?

good idea i will try make one with limited send so all can play and send few with it

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