Mautic 5 release schedule

A burning topic of the past few months (or longer) has been: when will Mautic 5 be released?

Good news!:partying_face:
We have determined the foreseen release dates!:partying_face:

As Ruth explained in a recent blog post, you all have the power to make the release happen in the foreseen timeframe (see below).

The main blocker in getting beta1 out, is the open issue Upgrade ckeditor 4 to 5 where we need to address some issues with the grapesJS builder.

the main blockers for rc1, are the (current) 15 open issues that need to be addressed.

So whether you’re a Mautic user, tech enthusiast, or a seasoned developer, you can drive the launch forward by dedicating just an hour or two of your week!

the release dates:

without any unsforeen issues or delays, there are the upcoming important dates:

  • Mautic 5 beta1: 9 October 2023
  • Mautic 5 rc1: 23 October 2023
  • Mautic 5 GA: 6 November 2023

If needed and realistic, in-between release will be made

the importance of those dates:

  • Once the beta1 version is released, we will open the 5.1 branch.
    All features after that date have to start from the 5.1 branch.
    beta1 can be seen as the starting point for your tests and upgrade path for M4.

  • Once the rc1 version is released, only bugfixes critical to the release will be merged into 5.x, and will be added to the GA release.