Mautic and Big Commerce tracking

Your software
My Mautic version is: 5.03
My PHP version is: PHP Version 8.1.2-1ubuntu2.18
My Database type and version is: 8.0.37-0ubuntu0.22.04.3

Your problem
My problem is I have installed the tracking code in BigCommerce along with some Mautic forms. The site is: If I fill out a form- it will show that the form was filled out and a database record in Mautic is made.

The problem is that it is not tracking the user as they navigate through the site.

Any help would be appreciated!

These errors are showing in the log:

Steps I have tried to fix the problem:

Hi everyone,

I am part of a digital marketing agency managing marketing automation for a client using Mautic. The client has an ecommerce site that sells training courses through WooCommerce. To connect WooCommerce with Mautic, we downloaded the official integration plugin, but we are experiencing some issues.

We have designed workflows that should identify certain users who have purchased specific courses, but this information does not seem to be passing through the plugin. What are we doing wrong? The segments related to “Last product bought” remain empty, and we can’t figure out why. Can you help us?

Additionally, I would like to know how to link Facebook audiences to Mautic segments.

Thank you very much.

Just checking, are your forms by any chance set to use kiosk mode? That would prevent tracking on your site.

I see the tracking code on your site. I wonder if the activity is still being tracked, just not identified by the form. I’m on your site now and my contact ID is 28405. I submitted the newsletter signup form on your homepage - the one above the footer. Can you see additional activity on my contact record?