Mautic Forms Broken on Internet Explorer 11 - Windows 10

Mautic forms are broken in Microsoft IE 11 on Windows 10. Obviously I know this is an old browser but I have clients who are stuck on Windows 10 (for whatever reason) and still use this browser.

The error is related to javascript and in particular form validation. When an incomplete form is submitted an error appears in the URL bar instead of on the page (red text under the required fields)

SCRIPT1002: Syntax error
mautic-form.js (12,220)

SCRIPT5009: ‘MauticSDK’ is undefined
script block (12) (1,496)

Anyone know of a fix?

Your software Mautic 4.2.2
My PHP version is : 7.4
My MySQL/MariaDB version is (delete as applicable): MariaDB

I would be surprised if Windows 10 are still even loading IE unless the computer never been updated or not activated / pirate version.

The EoL for IE was last June.

If your client are running the latest version of Windows 10 or keeps it update, they should have Edge browser installed by the Window update and ask them to use this browser instead of IE.

If your clients prefer Windows 10 I believe they can use Edge which is pre installed. Internet explorer discontinued long time ago.

Thanks for the feedback. I guess I will ignore this then. People are still using IE11 though.

I know of companies that do still use this, but for most projects it is neither feasible nor reasonable to support EOL software like browsers and such. At least imho. Do you know the share of users still using IE? Could you show an info box, that the firms don’t work in IE 11?

I remember those from the 90ies. This page ist best viewed in Netscape. :wink:

And pages that blow up in IE 6 :stuck_out_tongue:

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