hallo community,
for 2 days my double optin campaign worked fine. But today, everybody
who signed up for my free video got an activtion link with this url:
the link in the defined email is still
How can this be? Whats the solution?
(I use the free version on mautic.com / mautic.net)
kind regards
hallo community,
for 2 days my double optin campaign worked fine. But today, everybody
who signed up for my free video got an activtion link with this url:
the link in the defined email is still
How can this be? Whats the solution?
(I use the free version on mautic.com / mautic.net)
kind regards
To be clear, you placed this URL to an email:
And it was working for 2 days, but the third day, the URL changed to
And no one edited that email on the second day?
yes, and the behavior changed on 9th of august. my guess is, it has to to with the upgrade
from 2.0 to 2.1 on mautic.net
What shows in the code view for the email? Does the link still show correctly?
the code view shows:
<p><a href="http://mysite.biz/kp/002vid/danke2/" style="-webkit-user-select: auto;" target="_blank">Aktivierungslink</a></p>
yes, the link shows correctly