Mautic + Mailwizz

What would be very interesting, and quite frankly an absolute and powerful marketing automation tool addition, is to be able to connect MailWizz with Mautic.

Mautic is a FREE Open Source powerful marketing automation tool that could be used as a front-end to manage all online and inbound marketing needs, while connected to MW to be used as the powerful backend for lists management, automated follow-up campaigns and bulk mailings.

Maybe, someone is / has already done this?

For sure that would be an amazing addition to that already outstanding email marketing app.

What would be very interesting, and quite frankly an absolute and powerful marketing automation tool addition, is to be able to connect MailWizz with Mautic.

Mautic is a FREE Open Source powerful marketing automation tool that could be used as a front-end to manage all online and inbound marketing needs, while connected to MW to be used as the powerful backend for lists management, automated follow-up campaigns and bulk mailings.

Maybe, someone is / has already done this?

For sure that would be an amazing addition to that already outstanding email marketing app.

That’s like saying you want WordPress to connect to Wix, it makes no sense.

i really like Mautic but the script fail every update. i get mad and buy mailwizzz. And now, waiting a good news about integration mailwizz with mautic (mwizz).

Usually if the update fails, it’s due to your hosting environment. For me the update would fail all the time but it was because of the permissions that my host was forcing on the files that were getting updated. The simple fix was to update via the upgrade script, and this is the recommended way to update Mautic, and it’s the way they suggest updating in the documents. That has never failed ever!

So if you’re having problems updating, it’s more likely not a Mautic problem at all, it has to do with how you are hosting Mautic.

It not about update problem. It about many function not working after update to the latest version.

Yes I must have misunderstood you there, sorry! Yes if it’s a mission-critical reason to need Mautic, like using it in a production environment, it’s advisable to not do the updates until you’ve tested it first or you’ve given it time for people to report any problems with the update.

I think Mautic and Mailwizz are either from the same developer or are using the same platform they were build on…

The essencial need to add MW to mautic is to have a multiple SMTP servers

In mautic plateform we can manage Lists , segments and the most fonctionnalities of data mangement

i have another solution of multiple SMTP with multi-postfix and relay host to have this need