Your software
My Mautic version is: 4.4.10
My PHP version is: 8.0.30
My Database type and version is: 10.6
Mautic adds yesterday without any reason many contacts to a segment. The filter of the sequment ist: e-mail unsubscribed = Yes
(as if a user clicks on the ubsubribe button)
15min later the contacts were removed.
Any idea? I didn’t nothing at that time…hmmmm…
At this time nothing actions at all. No e-mail, no cronjob, no working.
The only eye-catching message was as i logged in via SSH to my Ubuntu server.
He wants to reboot.
Now it seems all is runnung normal
As if i know it right, the default unsubscribe function of Mautic changes this if someone unsubribes with the link in my e-mail newsletter. Am i right?