Multiplication of emails sent

Hey folks,

I’ve experienced a horrible thing and I can’t seem to pinpoint the problem. I created a campaign targeting about 5,000 contacts. Mautic is connected to Mandrill. Well, it resulted that many people getting 9-15 repeat emails…to the point where now, the Mandrill queue is at over 85,000…and my reputation has gone down the drain. I’ve checked all error logs…but nothing…

The only thing that could be is that activated the Process Email Queue cron (php /path/to/mautic/app/console mautic:email:process)…please advice what I should do to avoid / correct this…

no replies to this? @escopecz …any help?

No idea what could go wrong. Each campaign node can be executed only once per lead. Unless you delete the campaign_lead_log database table where Mautic stores data about it.

I saw someone opened an issue on github about a loop in the send email cron but it has no changed file so I don’t know if it’s actually a problem. Do you have any idea if it’s could be related?

Hey folks,

I’ve experienced a horrible thing and I can’t seem to pinpoint the problem. I created a campaign targeting about 5,000 contacts. Mautic is connected to Mandrill. Well, it resulted that many people getting 9-15 repeat emails…to the point where now, the Mandrill queue is at over 85,000…and my reputation has gone down the drain. I’ve checked all error logs…but nothing…

The only thing that could be is that activated the Process Email Queue cron (php /path/to/mautic/app/console mautic:email:process)…please advice what I should do to avoid / correct this…

I sent an email to the folks at Mandrill. Here’s their reply:

Looking at our own logs for that message, we’re seeing multiple individual requests from your system to Mandrill for that message. That indicates that there were multiple API calls made to Mandrill, rather than a single API call that was replicated after reaching Mandrill.

Typically when we see this behavior it’s the result of a retry mechanism in the system which generates those requests. We suggest investigating your code to confirm that there’s not a retry mechanism configured for those messages, or that if there is one it’s not configured to trigger when Mandrill returns a queued response rather than a sent response.