My problem is: The system does not send mail

Your software
My Mautic version is: 5.2.0
My PHP version is: 8.3
My Database type and version is: 10.6.18-MariaDB-log

Your problem
My problem is: The system does not send mail, although I have installed all the successful email DSNs. I have attached the error pictures.

These errors are showing in the log:

Steps I have tried to fix the problem:

Hi, you need to run this command instead:

php /path/to/mautic/bin/console mautic:broadcasts:send

or with messenger installed and queue configured (eg Doctrine):

php /path/to/mautic/bin/console messenger:consume email --time-limit=50

Refer to the Mautic documentation for more details: Cron jobs — Mautic Documentation 0.1 documentation

Did you receive the test email after configuring the email DSN?

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I still see this error message
“php /path/to/mautic/bin/console messenger:consume email”

My system says the email was sent, but the recipient’s email did not receive the email.

My system says the email was sent, but the recipient’s email did not receive the email.

I’ll assume that by “system” you meant “web application” (Mautic).

What does your SMTP server say about it?

It should be confirming the received email and what it did with it.

Can you check for me, what command am I missing to send email to new registrants from the form. The system says email has been sent but not received.

"$PHP $MAUTICCONSOLE mautic:campaigns:rebuild ",
"$PHP $MAUTICCONSOLE mautic:segment:update ",
"$PHP $MAUTICCONSOLE mautic:campaigns:trigger ",
"$PHP $MAUTICCONSOLE mautic:import ",
“$PHP $MAUTICCONSOLE mautic:webhooks:process”,
“$PHP $MAUTICCONSOLE mautic:reports:scheduler”,
"$PHP $MAUTICCONSOLE mautic:broadcast:send "

You need to check the >SMTP< server logs (that isn’t Mautic nor the web server).

What are those logs saying? (SMTP logs)

You should find traces of the email sent from your Mautic app. And most importantly, what the SMTP server did with it.

If Mautic report the email to be sent, probabilities are that the email was sent. But blocked later in the chain.

This is the chain:
PHP/Mautic (it can write but not send an email, like your Outlook) >> SMTP server (this is what can send emails) >> MX server (this is what can receive emails) >> IMAP/POP3 server (this is what allow you retrieve emails) >> Email client like Outlook/Thunderbird/Roundcube (this is what allows you to read emails - and also start a new chain, like the PHP part).

Now, since you report no problem originating from the PHP side (Mautic), you need to check the next link in the chain: STMP server (this is what can send emails)

If it does come out clean (you’ll see it with the email traces found in the SMTP server log), you need to check at the following link in the chain: MX server (this is what can receive emails)

If it come out clean, the IMAP/POP3 server

If that comes out clean, it’s your email client that is broken.