No Add Buttons

I can’t seem to find any add buttons or save anywhere, when i first loaded the system up it had save buttons but somehow they are all gone now. Does it have anything to do with the error I am getting on Account > Authorised Applications

{“newContent”:“u003Cdiv class=u0022pa-20 mautibot-erroru0022u003En u003Cdiv class=u0022row mt-lg pa-mdu0022u003En u003Cdiv class=u0022mautibot-image col-xs-4 col-md-3u0022u003En u003Cimg class=u0022img-responsiveu0022 src=u0022…

u003C/divu003En u003C/divu003Enu003C/divu003E”,“lastId”:6,“hasNewNotifications”:false,“updateAvailable”:false}}

there was a lot more in between, there isn’t enough space to here

I can’t seem to find any add buttons or save anywhere, when i first loaded the system up it had save buttons but somehow they are all gone now. Does it have anything to do with the error I am getting on Account > Authorised Applications

{“newContent”:“u003Cdiv class=u0022pa-20 mautibot-erroru0022u003En u003Cdiv class=u0022row mt-lg pa-mdu0022u003En u003Cdiv class=u0022mautibot-image col-xs-4 col-md-3u0022u003En u003Cimg class=u0022img-responsiveu0022 src=u0022…
u003C/divu003En u003C/divu003Enu003C/divu003E”,“lastId”:6,“hasNewNotifications”:false,“updateAvailable”:false}}

there was a lot more in between, there isn’t enough space to here

Hi emailready,

What form are you editing where there are not save buttons? Or is it for all forms?

That ajax reply does indicate a PHP error. Do you have access to your error logs? If so, can you look for a PHP Fatal Error and post the error message?


this is for anything with a save button i.e. save preferences etc.

Error logs I have at the moment

[11-Jan-2015 23:13:34 UTC] PHP Warning: require_once(/home/emailreadyservic/public_html/mautic_crm/app/bootstrap.php.cache): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/emailreadyservic/public_html/mautic_crm/index.php on line 17
[11-Jan-2015 23:13:34 UTC] PHP Fatal error: require_once(): Failed opening required ‘/home/emailreadyservic/public_html/mautic_crm/app/bootstrap.php.cache’ (include_path=’.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php’) in /home/emailreadyservic/public_html/mautic_crm/index.php on line 17
[11-Jan-2015 23:13:34 UTC] PHP Warning: require_once(/home/emailreadyservic/public_html/mautic_crm/app/bootstrap.php.cache): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/emailreadyservic/public_html/mautic_crm/index.php on line 17
[11-Jan-2015 23:13:34 UTC] PHP Fatal error: require_once(): Failed opening required ‘/home/emailreadyservic/public_html/mautic_crm/app/bootstrap.php.cache’ (include_path=’.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php’) in /home/emailreadyservic/public_html/mautic_crm/index.php on line 17
[11-Jan-2015 23:42:15 Europe/London] PHP Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/emailreadyservic/public_html/mautic_crm/addons/MauticSocialBundle/Integration/TwitterIntegration.php on line 173
[12-Jan-2015 06:35:31 UTC] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught exception ‘DoctrineORMORMInvalidArgumentException’ with message ‘Binding entities to query parameters only allowed for entities that have an identifier.’ in /home/emailreadyservic/public_html/mautic_crm/vendor/doctrine/orm/lib/Doctrine/ORM/ORMInvalidArgumentException.php:187
Stack trace:
#0 /home/emailreadyservic/public_html/mautic_crm/vendor/doctrine/orm/lib/Doctrine/ORM/AbstractQuery.php(283): DoctrineORMORMInvalidArgumentException::invalidIdentifierBindingEntity()
#1 /home/emailreadyservic/public_html/mautic_crm/vendor/doctrine/orm/lib/Doctrine/ORM/Query.php(315): DoctrineORMAbstractQuery->processParameterValue(Object(MauticUserBundleEntityUser))
#2 /home/emailreadyservic/public_html/mautic_crm/vendor/doctrine/orm/lib/Doctrine/ORM/Query.php(284): DoctrineORMQuery->processParameterMappings(Array)
#3 /home/emailreadyservic/public_html/mautic_crm/vendor/doctrine/orm/lib/Doctrine/ORM/AbstractQuery.php(794): DoctrineORMQuery->_doExecute()
#4 /home/emailreadyservic/public_html/mautic_crm/ve in /home/emailreadyservic/public_html/mautic_crm/vendor/doctrine/orm/lib/Doctrine/ORM/ORMInvalidArgumentException.php on line 187

Hi Alan

I just looked again hoping if I run composer again … these are the errors I get on some

  • Installing doctrine/doctrine-fixtures-bundle (dev-master 9a5b528)
    Cloning 9a5b5289eb22079ec139ba1eb06043d4b89c6677
    Failed to download doctrine/doctrine-fixtures-bundle from source: Failed to clone, git was not found, check that it is installed and in your PATH env.

sh: git: command not found

Now trying to download from dist
  • Installing doctrine/migrations (dev-master 96f838b)
    Cloning 96f838b4fa93693d19196c8e24ed5f1c3972ba87
    Failed to download doctrine/migrations from source: Failed to clone, git was not found, check that it is installed and in your PATH env.

sh: git: command not found

Now trying to download from dist
  • Installing doctrine/doctrine-migrations-bundle (dev-master 81575a4)
    Cloning 81575a4316951125ce408c70f30547c77d98f78a
    Failed to download doctrine/doctrine-migrations-bundle from source: Failed to clone, git was not found, check that it is installed and in your PATH env.

sh: git: command not found

Now trying to download from dist
  • Installing friendsofsymfony/oauth-server-bundle (dev-master bbce533)
    Cloning bbce53348576e8d6038902e7471a5c258a1bd19e
    Failed to download friendsofsymfony/oauth-server-bundle from source: Failed to clone, git was not found, check that it is installed and in your PATH env.

sh: git: command not found

Now trying to download from dist
  • Installing jms/serializer-bundle (dev-master 05965e0)
    Cloning 05965e02bad0922846f010e6ea4c7508549cf20b
    Failed to download jms/serializer-bundle from source: Failed to clone, git was not found, check that it is installed and in your PATH env.

sh: git: command not found

Now trying to download from dist
  • Installing knplabs/knp-menu-bundle (dev-master 4c46964)
    Cloning 4c46964dffbf16bd9ddd3a61a9a73970eb3aa1ac
    Failed to download knplabs/knp-menu-bundle from source: Failed to clone, git was not found, check that it is installed and in your PATH env.

sh: git: command not found

Now trying to download from dist
  • Installing willdurand/oauth-server-bundle (dev-master 5142d38)
    Cloning 5142d3827dae18d535c11016207dbb9082ad55b7
    Failed to download willdurand/oauth-server-bundle from source: Failed to clone, git was not found, check that it is installed and in your PATH env.

sh: git: command not found

Now trying to download from dist
  • Installing liip/functional-test-bundle (dev-master ae44d2d)
    Cloning ae44d2db9e8831adc3dae3b79c3e91e4628b445b
    Failed to download liip/functional-test-bundle from source: Failed to clone, git was not found, check that it is installed and in your PATH env.

sh: git: command not found

Now trying to download from dist 
  • Installing nelmio/api-doc-bundle (dev-master d641bbf)
    Cloning d641bbf32f95ea181f243d3618e937eddeae81d5
    Failed to download nelmio/api-doc-bundle from source: Failed to clone, git was not found, check that it is installed and in your PATH env.

sh: git: command not found

Now trying to download from dist

Based on those messages it seems that your machine doesn’t have Git enabled, or if it is installed it’s not setup to be called from anywhere by being included in your user’s PATH.

Can you check to make sure you can run Git commands? Let me know what you find out.


my server is with Godaddy and they apparently don’t allow that module on their servers. They suggested I use this in my .htaccess file … but it didn’t seem to make any difference.

Sorry for the delayed response. Are you using the package from github or did you download the public beta?

I don’t see anything in your log that would cause such an issue as the save buttons not showing up. Just to confirm, are they not showing up at all across all sessions and/or page refreshes or do they work for a period of time (after a page refresh) and then stop?

That should be fixed in github repo.

I’ll take a look at this one (I think I already see the issue). But this shouldn’t cause what you’re describing as it would only affect saving a lead (but not while actually showing the lead form and definitely not for other non-lead related forms).

If you are willing to provide me login credentials with steps to reproduce, I’d be glad to take a look to see if I can figure it out. You can email me at alan.hartless {@} or if you’re on Glip (see, find me as Alan and we can chat through it.



It sounds like the easiest thing would be to download the package here on instead of trying to compile from the Github repo. The download version already has all the necessary vendors and packages included and is ready to run immediately after unzipping. This should solve the Git problems. Any other problems though (like buttons not working) I’m not sure about without looking more at it.


Just posting a followup to this in case anyone else is reading with the same issue. :slight_smile:

The issue seemed related to a bad Git install. So the solution was to back up app/config/local.php, delete the remaining directories/files, download the package from, upload, then restore app/config/local.php.
