Non Batched Emails - cron necessary?

IS php /path/to/mautic/console mautic:email:process --env=prod >/ Necessary if we are not batching emails? When Mautic was installed this cron was set up before understanding the product better. Now that I set up the app to send messages immediately I do not suspect it is necessary but do not want to remove it until I am sure no other functions are involved other than sending batched emails.



Source: Basic Setup Guide - Mautic Community


IS php /path/to/mautic/console mautic:email:process --env=prod >/ Necessary if we are not batching emails? When Mautic was installed this cron was set up before understanding the product better. Now that I set up the app to send messages immediately I do not suspect it is necessary but do not want to remove it until I am sure no other functions are involved other than sending batched emails.
