Not able to install on AWS EC2

Not able to install Mautic on my AWS EC2 LAMP instance with Elastic IP. Anyone able to give me a hand?

Gone through the tutorial a couple of times, but all the directories seem to be in different places. Have run a LAMP installation as described on AWS as: httpd24 php56 mysql55-server php56-mysqlnd and also as per freedif as: apache2 mysql-server php5 php5-mysql

Neither seems to be running successful.

Not able to install Mautic on my AWS EC2 LAMP instance with Elastic IP. Anyone able to give me a hand?

Gone through the tutorial a couple of times, but all the directories seem to be in different places. Have run a LAMP installation as described on AWS as: httpd24 php56 mysql55-server php56-mysqlnd and also as per freedif as: apache2 mysql-server php5 php5-mysql

Neither seems to be running successful.

Hi Jcegeut

I don’t personally have any experience with amazon’s EC2 but it should be not unlike many other server setups.

Reading through this guide:

I see they have directions to install and start apache, and some other services. So let’s start from the bottom and work our way up to mautic:

  1. Is apache running? (what does sudo service httpd start do?)
  2. Can you get any php info? (php --info)
  3. What about mysql? (mysqladmin -u root status)

I would say start with apache, get that running, then add the php service and mysql service, then focus on serving up just a simple php file with a phpinfo(); call in it, make sure you can hit files remotely via a browser. Then it’s time to set up mautic.

Welcome to the forums, could you explain “neither seems to be running successful”
Couple of things to check:

  1. Apache running?
  2. Which lamp installation did you select?
  3. how comfortable are you running/inputting commands on AWS?
  4. Screenshot or describe the error in little more detail.

I will be online for next half hour if you are online maybe I can teamview and see. lemme know.

Thanks @wootme and @chad.windnagle

I’ve ran both versions of the LAMP config. One being the standard AWS LAMP tutorial version and the other as per the tutorial on freedif.

Terminated the session on AWS, so would need to kick live from scratch which is not a problem.

Though am an accountant and not a dev, am pretty ok with code.

Got Apache, MySQL and PhP to work on both LAMP setups.

Have already prepared the A record on my DNS for mautic to run on sub-domain.

What’s easiest, shall I kick a LAMP up? And if so with which installs, the AWS or the freedif version?


Anything would work, till the time you are seeing, apache test page working perfectly, the ways are all the same. we need the exact error or difficulty you are facing when installing mautic. please share the error or screenshot. if need be I could come on teamviewer.


Ok. Am running a new LAMP session.

Apache is running ok and so is PHP.

Just uploaded mautic via ftp, as the latest-link is coming back with a 404 so not able to use wget.

Unzipping doesn’t seem to work on “unzip mautic -d mautic”

File is there when I “ls” the /var/www

Do you get an error doing unzip? You might not have the zip / unzip utilities installed.

After I put in the command: unzip mautic -d mautic

It comes back with: unzip: cannot find or open mautic, or mautic.ZIP.

Where as:
[ec2-user@ip-172-31-16-42 www]$ ls
cgi-bin error html icons mautic noindex

you need to quote the name:

Thanks, worked.

Now [ec2-user@ip-172-31-16-42 www]$ chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/mautic
chown: invalid user: ‘www-data:www-data’

Also, do I need to remove the original zip-file after extracting successfully?

You can remove it yes.

To fix the permission issues, follow the steps here under “set file permissions”. This will be pretty straight forward linux stuff from here on out:

Sorry for getting mixed up in the basics.

Working my way through this tutorial

Do I simply replace the ‘www-data’ with ‘ec2-user’?

I think because you’re using an amazon instance the directions on freedif are a little different. Those are for probably ubuntu. Since you’re using amazon’s stuff, the default user names and privileges are going to be different.

Do you log in with the user ec2-user? I’m thinking whatever the user is you have in your console when you’re on the terminal is the user you should use when the amazon directions reference ec2-user. The important thing is to add the group and run the ownership commands.

I would switch away from the freedif article and complete the steps with the permissions on the amazon one.

Ok, @chad.windnagle, understand.

In that case, are you able to help me work through this?

If #slack works easier for you that is possible too.

Try using this command as is, just copy and paste and let me know if this works.

chown -R www–data:www-data /var/www/mautic

No, sorry

[ec2-user@ip-172-31-16-42 www]$ chown -R www–data:www-data /var/www/mautic
chown: invalid user: ‘www–data:www-data’

Could you install teamviewer and share the screen with me?

@wootme I could be wrong but it looks like the www-data user’s “dash” character is different than the group. Is that what could be causing the invalid user issue?