Problem dengan Inodes dan Sending Campaign

Mautic version: 3.3.1
PHP version: 7.4.15
Steps to reproduce the error:

Saya baru mengenal mautic dan memiliki pengetahuan pemrograman yang lebih sedikit.

Saya menggunakan layanan SMTP dari berbagi hosting.
Saya tidak punya masalah mengirim email sebelumnya, tetapi setelah masalah dengan inode di server hosting saya, saya menghapus semua file *. pesan di folder … / mautic / var / spool.

Setelah itu, saya membuat kampanye baru dengan email, tetapi tidak ada email yang diterima oleh penerima.

Pertanyaan saya:

  1. Apakah aman untuk menghapus file * .message di folder … / mautic / var / spool? Jika tidak, apa solusi untuk menghilangkan inode dari mautic?
  2. Bagaimana mengatasi masalah dengan kampanye saya dimana tidak ada email yang diterima oleh penerima saya?
  3. Di bawah ini adalah file log, tetapi saya tidak memiliki pengetahuan bagaimana mengatasi masalah tersebut. Tolong bantu saya untuk solusinya.

[2021-03-22 06:30:15] mautic.NOTICE: Symfony\Component\Debug\Exception\FatalThrowableError: Call to a member function getHeaders() on bool (uncaught exception) at /mautic/app/bundles/EmailBundle/Command/ProcessEmailQueueCommand.php line 99 while running console command mautic:emails:send
[2021-03-22 06:30:15] mautic.WARNING: Command mautic:emails:send exited with status code 1
[2021-03-22 06:35:12] mautic.NOTICE: Symfony\Component\Debug\Exception\FatalThrowableError: Call to a member function getHeaders() on bool (uncaught exception) at /
/mautic/app/bundles/EmailBundle/Command/ProcessEmailQueueCommand.php line 99 while running console command mautic:emails:send
[2021-03-22 06:35:12] mautic.WARNING: Command mautic:emails:send exited with status code 1
[2021-03-22 06:40:13] mautic.NOTICE: Symfony\Component\Debug\Exception\FatalThrowableError: Call to a member function getHeaders() on bool (uncaught exception) at / /mautic/app/bundles/EmailBundle/Command/ProcessEmailQueueCommand.php line 99 while running console command mautic:emails:send
[2021-03-22 06:40:13] mautic.WARNING: Command mautic:emails:send exited with status code 1
[2021-03-22 06:45:11] mautic.NOTICE: Symfony\Component\Debug\Exception\FatalThrowableError: Call to a member function getHeaders() on bool (uncaught exception) at /
/mautic/app/bundles/EmailBundle/Command/ProcessEmailQueueCommand.php line 99 while running console command mautic:emails:send
[2021-03-22 06:45:11] mautic.WARNING: Command mautic:emails:send exited with status code 1
[2021-03-22 06:50:11] mautic.NOTICE: Symfony\Component\Debug\Exception\FatalThrowableError: Call to a member function getHeaders() on bool (uncaught exception) at / /mautic/app/bundles/EmailBundle/Command/ProcessEmailQueueCommand.php line 99 while running console command mautic:emails:send
[2021-03-22 06:50:11] mautic.WARNING: Command mautic:emails:send exited with status code 1
[2021-03-22 06:55:13] mautic.NOTICE: Symfony\Component\Debug\Exception\FatalThrowableError: Call to a member function getHeaders() on bool (uncaught exception) at /
/mautic/app/bundles/EmailBundle/Command/ProcessEmailQueueCommand.php line 99 while running console command mautic:emails:send
[2021-03-22 06:55:13] mautic.WARNING: Command mautic:emails:send exited with status code 1
[2021-03-22 07:00:16] mautic.NOTICE: Symfony\Component\Debug\Exception\FatalThrowableError: Call to a member function getHeaders() on bool (uncaught exception) at / /mautic/app/bundles/EmailBundle/Command/ProcessEmailQueueCommand.php line 99 while running console command mautic:emails:send
[2021-03-22 07:00:16] mautic.WARNING: Command mautic:emails:send exited with status code 1
[2021-03-22 07:05:10] mautic.NOTICE: Symfony\Component\Debug\Exception\FatalThrowableError: Call to a member function getHeaders() on bool (uncaught exception) at /
/mautic/app/bundles/EmailBundle/Command/ProcessEmailQueueCommand.php line 99 while running console command mautic:emails:send
[2021-03-22 07:05:10] mautic.WARNING: Command mautic:emails:send exited with status code 1
[2021-03-22 07:10:14] mautic.NOTICE: Symfony\Component\Debug\Exception\FatalThrowableError: Call to a member function getHeaders() on bool (uncaught exception) at / /mautic/app/bundles/EmailBundle/Command/ProcessEmailQueueCommand.php line 99 while running console command mautic:emails:send
[2021-03-22 07:10:14] mautic.WARNING: Command mautic:emails:send exited with status code 1
[2021-03-22 07:15:22] mautic.NOTICE: Symfony\Component\Debug\Exception\FatalThrowableError: Call to a member function getHeaders() on bool (uncaught exception) at /
/mautic/app/bundles/EmailBundle/Command/ProcessEmailQueueCommand.php line 99 while running console command mautic:emails:send
[2021-03-22 07:15:22] mautic.WARNING: Command mautic:emails:send exited with status code 1
[2021-03-22 07:20:13] mautic.NOTICE: Symfony\Component\Debug\Exception\FatalThrowableError: Call to a member function getHeaders() on bool (uncaught exception) at / /mautic/app/bundles/EmailBundle/Command/ProcessEmailQueueCommand.php line 99 while running console command mautic:emails:send
[2021-03-22 07:20:13] mautic.WARNING: Command mautic:emails:send exited with status code 1
[2021-03-22 07:25:10] mautic.NOTICE: Symfony\Component\Debug\Exception\FatalThrowableError: Call to a member function getHeaders() on bool (uncaught exception) at /
/mautic/app/bundles/EmailBundle/Command/ProcessEmailQueueCommand.php line 99 while running console command mautic:emails:send
[2021-03-22 07:25:10] mautic.WARNING: Command mautic:emails:send exited with status code 1
[2021-03-22 07:30:14] mautic.NOTICE: Symfony\Component\Debug\Exception\FatalThrowableError: Call to a member function getHeaders() on bool (uncaught exception) at / /mautic/app/bundles/EmailBundle/Command/ProcessEmailQueueCommand.php line 99 while running console command mautic:emails:send
[2021-03-22 07:30:14] mautic.WARNING: Command mautic:emails:send exited with status code 1
[2021-03-22 07:35:21] mautic.NOTICE: Symfony\Component\Debug\Exception\FatalThrowableError: Call to a member function getHeaders() on bool (uncaught exception) at /
/mautic/app/bundles/EmailBundle/Command/ProcessEmailQueueCommand.php line 99 while running console command mautic:emails:send
[2021-03-22 07:35:21] mautic.WARNING: Command mautic:emails:send exited with status code 1
[2021-03-22 07:40:11] mautic.NOTICE: Symfony\Component\Debug\Exception\FatalThrowableError: Call to a member function getHeaders() on bool (uncaught exception) at / /mautic/app/bundles/EmailBundle/Command/ProcessEmailQueueCommand.php line 99 while running console command mautic:emails:send
[2021-03-22 07:40:11] mautic.WARNING: Command mautic:emails:send exited with status code 1
[2021-03-22 07:45:17] mautic.NOTICE: Symfony\Component\Debug\Exception\FatalThrowableError: Call to a member function getHeaders() on bool (uncaught exception) at /
/mautic/app/bundles/EmailBundle/Command/ProcessEmailQueueCommand.php line 99 while running console command mautic:emails:send
[2021-03-22 07:45:17] mautic.WARNING: Command mautic:emails:send exited with status code 1
[2021-03-22 07:50:12] mautic.NOTICE: Symfony\Component\Debug\Exception\FatalThrowableError: Call to a member function getHeaders() on bool (uncaught exception) at / /mautic/app/bundles/EmailBundle/Command/ProcessEmailQueueCommand.php line 99 while running console command mautic:emails:send
[2021-03-22 07:50:12] mautic.WARNING: Command mautic:emails:send exited with status code 1
[2021-03-22 07:55:12] mautic.NOTICE: Symfony\Component\Debug\Exception\FatalThrowableError: Call to a member function getHeaders() on bool (uncaught exception) at /
/mautic/app/bundles/EmailBundle/Command/ProcessEmailQueueCommand.php line 99 while running console command mautic:emails:send
[2021-03-22 07:55:12] mautic.WARNING: Command mautic:emails:send exited with status code 1
[2021-03-22 08:00:18] mautic.NOTICE: Symfony\Component\Debug\Exception\FatalThrowableError: Call to a member function getHeaders() on bool (uncaught exception) at / /mautic/app/bundles/EmailBundle/Command/ProcessEmailQueueCommand.php line 99 while running console command mautic:emails:send
[2021-03-22 08:00:18] mautic.WARNING: Command mautic:emails:send exited with status code 1
[2021-03-22 08:05:11] mautic.NOTICE: Symfony\Component\Debug\Exception\FatalThrowableError: Call to a member function getHeaders() on bool (uncaught exception) at /
/mautic/app/bundles/EmailBundle/Command/ProcessEmailQueueCommand.php line 99 while running console command mautic:emails:send
[2021-03-22 08:05:11] mautic.WARNING: Command mautic:emails:send exited with status code 1

Jangan hapus file apapun di mautic kecuali cache.