Question / Confusion regarding multi-user/multi-tenant

Your software
My Mautic version is: v5.0.4
My PHP version is: 8
My Database type and version is: MySQL

Question / Confusion regarding multi-user/multi-tenant. We have a need to be able to provide email marketing capabilities to users who need to be able to send email marketing campaigns via their own domain, we will send via one smarthost which will be SendGrid so no need to switch providers for each user…

I’ve been browsing the forums for a couple of days now as with any mature software there are a lot of posts across years and the conversations also cover all the versions.

I’m struggling to understand if there is either a native way or an official plug-in etc that will allow us to host ideally a single instance of Mautic and within this create user accounts who can have access to their own contact lists manage and send their own email marketing campaigns from their own domain.

Please can anyone clarify this I would like to keep things as simple and as native as possible I don’t want to go off at tangents trying to create my own plug-in to bolt together a solution unless I have to, ideally of course would like to use a tried and tested method if it achieves the above.

I’ve read about there being a multi-tenant plug-in however is this an official plug-in as I haven’t been able to identify this as yet, please can I get some clarity on this?

Thanks in advance.

Hello again, can anyone help me with this question?
