Send Form Results Action

Does adding {contactfield=somefield} added to a form’s “Send form results” action work?

My attempts suggest the database doesn’t get queried before the form gets sent as nothing is populated.

Looking to populate the email that gets sent (to the Sales team) with more of the contact’s details and not just the information from that individual form. Any ideas?


Does adding {contactfield=somefield} added to a form’s “Send form results” action work?

My attempts suggest the database doesn’t get queried before the form gets sent as nothing is populated.

Looking to populate the email that gets sent (to the Sales team) with more of the contact’s details and not just the information from that individual form. Any ideas?


this is the right token

Thanks for the response - Using {formfield=…} tokens work fine for just the form’s fields.

I want to add more information from the contact’s profile that isn’t captured in the form so would assume you need to use {contactfield=…} to pull into the email. Is this do-able?


Can i confirm if form required field actually works for {contactfield=firstname}?

I tried to submit a form and send but this {contactfield=firstname} field does not go through the required validation check, Email is does work well for the validation check.

It should prompt it is required when the field is empty. Hope someone can enlighten me on it. Thanks