Site is offline after upgrading to 2.15.3

Your software
My Mautic version is: not sure, because now I don’t have access to my Mautic.
My PHP version is: 7.0.27

Your problem
My problem is: I’ve tried to perform an upgrade to 2.15.3 and now the system is offline.

These errors are showing in the log:

  • Mautic log: no one since this upgrade attempt;
  • Apache log: several entries such as: Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Exception\ServiceNotFoundException: The service “mautic.lead.campaignbundle.action_delete_contacts.subscriber” has a dependency on a non-existent service “mautic.campaign.helper.removed_contact_tracker”. - in file /home/mautic/vendor/symfony/dependency-injection/Compiler/CheckExceptionOnInvalidReferenceBehaviorPass.php - at line 58, referer:

Steps I have tried to fix the problem:

  • I tried to clear the cache as my ssh user: permission denied;
  • I did the same as a root: ok, cache was removed;
  • Back as my user, every command I tried, such as app/console doctrine:migration:migrate, doctrine:schema:update --force or cache:clear gives me: [RuntimeException] Unable to write in the cache directory
  • As a root, if I try those commands, I get always [Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Exception\ServiceNotFoundException]
    The service “mautic.lead.campaignbundle.action_delete_contacts.subscriber” has a dependency on a non-existent service “mautic.campaign.helper.removed_contact_tracker”.

PS: www-data is the owner of my mautic directory.

Any clue about this? Thanks a lot folks.

My Mautic version is 2.13.1.

Hi @rodrigocvb and welcome back to the forums :slight_smile:

Seems like there are some permissions/ownership issues going on as a starting point - does the cache directory exist after you deleted it? If not, then it seems that there aren’t sufficient permissions to create it.

Take a look at the file ownership part here: and double check your permissions/ownership?

Hi @rcheesley,

I login to my Digital Ocean machine via SSH and, once I’m there, I login as root. After that, I run every command from the ‘file ownership’ section you sent me. And I have still the same errors if I try to visit my-mautic-url or my-mautic-url/s/update/schema or any url of my website (I think it happens because of tracking pixel or something like that, no?). After any of that visits, the cache directory is created, but apache log keeps giving me those errors for each one:

Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Exception\ServiceNotFoundException: The service “mautic.lead.campaignbundle.action_delete_contacts.subscriber” has a dependency on a non-existent service “mautic.campaign.helper.removed_contact_tracker”. - in file /home/mautic/vendor/symfony/dependency-injection/Compiler/CheckExceptionOnInvalidReferenceBehaviorPass.php - at line 58

I was noticing that it mentions /var/www folder, but this folder on my server is empty. If I run ls -al /var I get

drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 Sep 27 2014 www

Inside www, I have an ‘html’ folder (which is empty) and an index.html file. That’s all.

My mautic installation is in /home/mautic. If I run ls -al in /home I get:

drwxr-xr-x 11 www-data www-data 4096 May 11 2018 mautic

So I got confused about the folder where I should perform the permissions change. I did in in /home/mautic folder, because in /var/www I don’t have anything.

Just give 777 permission for cache

@deepti I did this. Still the same problem: site offline and dependency on a non-existent service error on Apache log.

Hi @rodrigocvb,
That same issue happened to my installation, and cause lots of anxiety ;(
I don’t know the root cause, but it is relates to dependencies that was before the upgrade and now they are missing.
To know how to solve, I need the following two items:

  1. The content of the app/bundles/CampaignBundle/Config/config.php
  2. Check if you have the following file, app/bundles/CampaignBundle/Helper/RemovedContactTracker.php
  3. If you have the file at step2, upload this file too.

Good luck

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