Sponsor plugin for twilio calls

I would like to sponsor a plugin, if you are able to create a plugin that will log twilio calls, and post recording urls into contact details I will pay.

My end result will be to modify the end result to use an AI built my team to score the call and add points to the contact based off of the context of the call.

Ultimately it will allow calls to move contacts into segments based off the progression of the sales process.

All I need is someone to create the twilio into mautic part (I will pay you directly) after its working you can share as needed. And after I’m done adding the AI I will also share

I’ve moved this to the Commercial category for you :slight_smile:

Thank you :smiley:
Hopefully it will gain some traction because the last few devs I have hired for this did not do well.

Hey Austin, I’d be interested in picking this up with my team.

:point_right: https://facetinteractive.com

I am @Jordan Ryan in the Mautic Slack community.

I’ll DM you my email